V nujnosti se konča izbira, v suženjstvu ugodje.
V izbiri se konča nujnost, v ugodju suženjstvo.
V nujnosti se začne izbira, v suženjstvu ugodje.
V izbiri se začne nujnost, v ugodju suženjstvo.

Ničeva pot


Choice ends in necessity, pleasure ends in slavery.
Necessity ends in choice, slavery ends in pleasure.
Choice starts in the necessity, pleasure starts in slavery.
Necessity starts in the choice, slavery starts in pleasure.

Path of Nothingness

Pisma iz sedanjosti so performans čutnega, analognega, pred gledalcem doživetega in digitalno procesiranega - kot upočasnjen posnetek curka časa videno minevanje.

Letters from the present are a performance of sensuality, an analogue performance digitally processed and experienced in front of the audience - as a slow motion of a splash of time seen passing.